Gerrit Reininghaus' personal blog around roleplaying and personal stuff
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Sunday, October 27, 2024
Blog zu meinen Erfahrungen mit Indie-Spielphilosophie in der Borbarad Kampagne
Ich habe einen separaten Blog aufgemacht, um dort meine Erfahrungen beim Leiten der Sieben Gezeichneten Kampagne (G7 oder 7G oder auch Borb...
Friday, September 9, 2022
My RPG work
My name is Gerrit and I'm a TTRPG and LAOG designer. Are you interested in the games I have designed? Have a look into this post. If you...
Saturday, January 8, 2022
My RPG statistics for 2020 and 2021
This is how my RPG and LAOG / larp life looked like in the last years - in numbers. Follow me on a statistical ride, based on the form I...
Saturday, July 31, 2021
Tuk Fast Tuk Furious - Gedanken zu einem schnellen Wettrennen-RPG
Tuk Fast Tuk Furious ist ein kurzes Erzählspiel, das in dreißig bis fünfzig Minuten gespielt werden kann. Es geht um ein aufregendes Rennen...
Friday, May 7, 2021
Three Forms of LAOGs
In this article, I present a categorisation of LAOGs - depending on how they make use of the communication channels in place. I identify thr...
Sunday, March 22, 2020
An Overview of existing LAOGs - Live Action Online Games
Live action is for everybody. Larping online makes larping accesible to a completely new audience, makes it much easier for people with ki...
Saturday, February 29, 2020
My RPG year 2019 part 2: Statistics and insights I
Playing Makeup Moments in 2019 In the following I dive deep into the statistics I made around my gaming in 2019. That is much more than ...
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